Tuesday, February 28, 2012

V and Co: leaving on a jet plane

i'm heading off this lovely place. at least that's what i hear... that it's nice.
any ideas on the skyline?
oh i know so secretive its kind of annoying right? i'm really sorry. i don't like to lead you on or leave you hanging so i normally just keep my mouth pretty tight lipped till i know things are an actual go, but so far it seems like it is and i'll be able to tell you more in about a couple of weeks.
so yes, this picture is a little hint as to some of the reason why i've been sewing but haven't been able to show you anything for a little bit. and part of the reason why last week i got all in a ball and started rocking back and forth in the corner calling out  for my mommy... yeah. has to do with this. i'm not kidding when i say i fight the battle of nervousness when i have to leave my house and do what i like to do outside of my comfort zone.(aka husband and kids saying "ooh i like it! is it mine?)
 i really do get THAT nervous, thankfully when i finally get going things seem to start rolling but the whole lead up usually throws me in for a loop. (and yes, btw thanks for the kind words)

so here's to having only about 24ish more hours of complete panic, and then to move forward and onward...to the next thing that will make me want to toss my cookies.
ready for an adventure?
i keep telling myself i am.
my family keeps saying they back me up and are happy to push me out the door to do it.
but i'm not really convincing myself too well that i'm ready...well i guess until i can look at it from behind and say hindsight is 20/20 and it really wasn't that bad.
have a great week, i'll pop in hopefully with some behind the scenes.


fiberdoodles said...

Oh how exciting!! I think I have an idea. You so can do this! Enjoy every moment and we can't wait to hear all about it!

MissE said...

It is a lovely place! That's my neck of the woods and I promise you'll find lots of fun things to do (especially lots of good shopping). Is this a move or a trip?

MissE said...

My ORIGINAL neck of the woods since I'm currently a Utah transplant. (Just thought I'd clarify haha)

Unknown said...

try some deep breathing to relax. I have no idea where that skyline resides but it sounds like it doesn't matter were it is just that it isn't home. Good luck with the opportunity that appears to come with this trip.

Lee said...

Well because I have mad computer skills (my husband is somewhere laughing his you-know-what-off), I know where you are going. Since my daughter is now attending school near that city I have been in and out of it a bit in the last year. Lots of great things to do there so I hope you have time to enjoy some of them. Take a breath, remind yourself that you have amazing skills that inspire others to create, and give yourself permission to have fun. You would not be going on this trip if it was not meant to be.

trish said...

Oh Vanessa. I am the exact same way! I truly feel your agony. And you are right, once you are out of the door and have momentum, it all goes well and is so much fun. It is that getting out of the door part that about kills me every time.
I can not wait to hear all about your trip and see what you have been up to.
hugs to you, Trish

pinksuedeshoe said...

Eat more cookies. But not the one's that just got tossed.... Cookies are my go to when I am headed for the fetal position. Good luck!

sonia said...

Go, go, go! You can do it! Best of lucks!

Anonymous said...

No idea where this is, but I know you'll be great! Deep breath :)

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

You are a winner - you can do SO much more that you give yourself credit for. I hope you can enjoy some of it.

tubilinha tiacarminha said...

Com 5902 seguidores você pode e deve ir para onde tem que ir,tenho certeza que todos estaremos torcendo por você e seu sucesso.Vá com DEUS e que seja sempre muito abençoada por ELE.Ser feliz é a nossa obrigação,o medo faz parte do processo.Falando em nome de todos que te amam e torce por você:A linha do horizonte é ali...Cruzá-la é só embarcar em um lindo avião e lá, que vamos.DEUS é por você.maria do carmo pezzuto

Tiphaine said...

You are you, so GO !! Don;t look back, everything is going to be fine !!!
Je croise les doigts pour toi !!!!

Unknown said...

Ahh the land of sunshine 360 days of the year...one day I'll move back! Wondering what's so exciting there though. You mysterious girl you! Just smile and show your "thinner thighs" move and it will be great!

Anonymous said...

I know it is the pre-jitters but once you get there and settle you will be great as usual. Can't wait till you can clue us in on your adventure. Love you blog.

Melody said...

I'd recognize the Qwest building and the 'cash register' building anywhere... :) interested to see what is taking you there ~ I left the mile high city last summer and moved to Alaska, but this picture makes me a little home sick. :)

Lindsay Conner said...

I think I know where you are! But anxious to hear more about your trip. :)

Also, posted a little review of your book today at http://www.craftbuds.com/book-review-make-it-sew-modern

Anonymous said...

Speer Blvd!!!

~Damita's Pretty Wrap~ said...

Hi there! You have amazing things here!!! I love your blog, I'm your newest follower!! :) Have a great weekend. If you have time would love if you'd stop by my blog!

Amy said...

I'm the exact same way. I get very nervous when I'm out of my comfort zone. I'm very much a homebody and just want to be near my family. Go have fun on your trip and let us know how it went.

Anonymous said...

This is my home! I'm excited to see what you were doing here. By th way I love your blog and your book I have been following for quite sometime now!

Kati from Kati's Quilting said...

Oh so jealous! We were there last summer and talking about going back again! Have a grand time! :)

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