Friday, December 16, 2011

V and Co: star wars dorks we are

the husband came home the other day exclaiming quite excitedly that one of his students had made him the COOLEST present.
from behind his back he pulled out this little hand made yoda.
we love him, and he is happily residing in our bedroom for now till he goes to its final resting place, his office.
yup, dorks we are.
yup, yoda i speak often.
and of course this obsession love of star wars like things has trickled down to our children. santa may have even of found the millennium falcon on super sale this last october for $35 less than what it's selling for now (and with NO tax or shipping because it's amazon. I LOVE YOU AMAZON!) for all the boys to put together (yes, including the husband).
we have posters, we have outfits (the kids do, not jake and i, thank you very much), we have legos upon legos, we have little action figures. i even almost bought a large starwars lego alarm clock for the boys (but that's a little pricey for an alarm clock) so i'll wait till it goes on sale someday.
soooooo naturally when i saw this book:
the star wars craft book yup i went coo coo for coco puffs and HAD to have it. luckily i signed up for a swap (which i NEVER do because i'm crazy as it is in my own life to have to have people rely on me to do a swap is just plain dumb so i never sign up...BUT this swap was different.) for this swap all i had to do was say what i wanted for the cost of less than $15 and then my partner would buy it for me and send it my way...i in return would do the same for the person i had. (my gal asked for the farmer's wife block book) so i amazon-ed that baby and sent it her way too. hope you like it! (cause i know you'll ask the swap is a twitter swap and it's #ssswap) twitter it, i'm sure it will get even bigger next year cause seriously it was great.

okay so seriously.
my kids have been looking at this book since it arrived in my home.

they've made lists of things we're making this christmas vacation. which i'm thrilled about because christmas vacation is always the hardest on me with kids wanting to do nothing but play video this vacay...we're making these admiral sackbar puppets and these ADORABLE washcloth wampas.
i'll try and see if i can find some good deals on star wars t-shirts and make something along the lines of a tote for the library or for the pool...and...
if i knew how to work any kind of yarn like projects like knitting or crocheting, i would soooo make one of those r2d2 beanies, but i am SOOOOO making that herb ATAT, and my 7 year old really wants the ewok head thing...but i'm afraid that's just too easy pickings and he'd be toast at school if he showed up on the school bus let alone on the playground with that thing on his head...maybe if he promises only to wear it at home...
the most FAVORITE project of the book i've got to say is this:
WAY too cute for words cuddly bantha. yeah, i may have to make one just for me too.

so there you have it. even though "nerd" is in right now, i have a feeling we'll still be loving it and BEING it when it's not.
ashamed we are not.
proud we will be.
ps:i'm almost done with a cute little gift idea (just have to take pictures) so watch for it monday.
talk soon we will. :)


Anonymous said...

What an adorable book!

Lora said...

Fantastic!! As soon as I saw this post I ordered the book for myself! I can't wait to surprise my husband with some crafts from here. I am glad you passed the "nerd" gene on to your kids, it's a great gene :)


Oh, my! I wish I could send you all of my son's Star Wars Lego sets. He's got a gazillion of them (at least half of the sets made between 2003-2007) that he never plays with. Santa gave him the Millenium Falcon in 2004, and it took Santa and I almost 4 hours to put the stupid thing together! Now, it's sitting in a bin, all torn apart.

Mrsblocko said...

I NEED this book!!!

aksherry said...

I have to get one of these for my nephews!

The Rx quilter said...

I saw today online there is a new Star Wars line of fabric coming in 2012...start saving now!

V and Co. said...

summerstead i will give you my address if you want to mail that out to us! haha!

rx quilter WHAT? got to check that out!

yes this is a must have book!

Unknown said...

I have to get one!

catie said...

these are too too cute! i might have some old school star wars t-shirts that my husband couldn't ever dream of fitting into ever again if you are interested! we're nerdy at our house, too! most of my christmas list is harry potter stuff!

Nicole said...

I knew I loved you and here is yet another reason! We just have girls at our house so we usually reside in the Princess Leia relm. Have you seen the quiz book? They had it at costco and it has a little electronic screen that asks you questions from the book and then tells you if you get it right. But who has time to sit and play with a book? Merry Christmas!

liZ said...

LOVE that Star Wars craft book!!! I totally want it. We are total Star Wars dorks to---I even made and entire set of Star Wars peg people for my nephew last Christmas.
Happy Holidays?
ps---Was that a R2D2 dreidel that I saw on the cover? If so AWESOME!!!

Ange said...

Wow! We are a family of the same liking. My boys would love it if we had this book..might just need to go and order it! Thx for the tip and have fun crafting!

Gilda Knits said...

I think I need me one of those books!!

Guess what - thought you should know that at Target they have Star wars ornaments. yoda, Darth vader...we got both. And I know there were others. So...

amylouwhosews said...

funny, you are!

Andrea said...

We are also a little cuckoo for Star Wars....and LEGOs. My son found this at the library. It has been at our house numerous times. Great book. But I forget about it because he always has it in his library box! I can kind of crochet....will have to try the R2D2 hat.

KnittingBetsy said...

Oh boy! When my an was younger - even still in diapers, I would buy (me) him star wars figures to play with. And that kept up until he was in high school age. He's 21 now and I miss all the star wars gear that we sold before moving to TX. So I guess I'll live vicariously through the (geeks) people that currently get to play Star Wars.

Andrea said...

Star Wars geeks are we too. So much so that we have these decals on the back of our black SUV named Vader...
(6 of them, though--we are ultimate Star Wars geeks, declaring it to every single person in town!)

dana said...

no way. that's totally fun! I need that book. Owen already has an obsession with it and he's barely 4. what??

kristin said...

CUTE STUFFFF! book leads to crafting, crafting leads to play, and play leads to happiness! i sense a lot of happiness in you. :)

tini-uk said...

In our house it is all pink, fairies and princesses but I so have to recommend this book to my friend, thank you for sharing!

Elisabeth said...

Awesome! As long as you don't take it this far:

Have a great holiday!

your friend Elisabeth B.

ErikaB3 said...

That book is amazing. I think i am going to have to buy that today!

shanna said...

I read you blog yesterday and had a good chuckle! Then my facebook friend posted this

I just knew that you need to see these!

I love your blog!!


Raddness said...

Hilarious! I just gave the millennium falcon to my husband for his birthday last week. I bought it at target when it was on sale then I returned that when toys r us had it on sale for even less. At the tender age of 36, my husband declared it the best present he ever received. He was able to put it together with the help of my 3 and 5 year old sons! It's a Lego star wars Xmas for us too!

LT said...

Thank you, thank you thank you! That book looks awesome. Alone in your geek you are not.

Tiphaine said...

WAAAAAAOOOOUUUUUU !!!!!!! Got three boys here too !! (ok nb 3 is too small yet to be prepared...) the kids are starwars crazy.....this is soo great !!!
Thankful we are !!!
may the christmas force be with you !!!

Jessica said...

Oh my goodness - I have now added this book to my wishlist - it looks perfect!

Pinky said...

ah ha ha ha ha :) we're big nerds over here too!! Yes, star wars figures into this equation... but we're more of a Doctor Who family! :) there just seems to be something about quilters and pop culture nerds! :)

BethJ said...

My niece loves star wars, and every one of those projects you showed she'd love. It is so amazing what people think of. You will have SO MUCH FUN!

Anonymous said...

Utah residents still have to pay sales tax - its called 'use tax' & unfortunately it includes online purchases . Ck your tax returns :/

Ali said...

That is perfect. Too bad I didn't see this earlier, or the Boy would be getting it for Christmas. Maybe for President's day...
Yeah, Star Wars nerds gotta stick together (oh, and my 6 yr old will be wanting the ewok hat, too. Sigh).
Merry Christmas, Vanessa!

Allison said...

This is the most awesome book I have ever seen! My sisters and I happen to have a little obsession with Star Wars too. I'm glad to see that we aren't the only ones though!

Amy said...

I have the feeling if my husband saw that book, a copy would somehow mysteriously end up in our house. He's already ask me to learn how to knit, so I can make him the R2D2 hat (He's been waiting like 4 years now, what's a few more? :) )

Also - Star Wars Fabric :)
I had to google it :

Can't wait :)

sinreal11 said...

so there you have it. even though "nerd" is in right now, i have a feeling we'll still be loving it swtor credits and BEING it when it's not.
ashamed we are not.

Elizabeth said...

Hilarious! And so absolutely cool! Your Jedi boys are so handsome! Love the craft book.

I'm going to make a Star Wars quilt for my son . . . someday. I've got all the fabrics. I just need to find the time.

Also, I hope being a nerd stays "in" for a very long time. It is fun to do what you love and be proud of it!

xo -E

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