Tuesday, June 28, 2011

V and Co: we're moving!

after 3 full months of trying to figure out exactly what we were going to do next, after my husband's job announced they were closing their doors, i am FINALLY able to say we know where we're going and what we'll be doing. it feels like we've been in limbo for.ev.er. and there's a lot i haven't mentioned here on the blog of what exactly we've been going through.
jake and i sat when this all went down, and decided we were going to be picky where we landed next. we wanted a safe place for the kids, a job with a little more security, and last but not least we wanted financial security (as in it wasn't going to cost us more to live than we made with me staying home with the kids). we were offered many jobs, (i say we...but i mean him) some that he didn't even apply for, and we didn't get one we set our sights on first... that was heartbreaking but it happens. we almost (i say we but i mean me) started saying yes to the jobs being offered that weren't necessarily what we both wanted due to the fear of "what if we pass up everything and that ONE doesn't happen?" but jake kept reminded me to have faith. so last week we told the last "other" job offer "no" and "yes" to mount mercy university. jake will be a professor and the clinical director for the marriage and family therapy department there.
it's what we (i say we and i mean we) went to school for. to do this exact thing. it's been a bumpy road to here...but we're finally doing it.

forbes listed the capitol of iowa as one of the safest cities to raise a family. and while we may not be moving to des moines, we are moving two hours away from there to the cedar rapids area. while there we were able to do a little sight seeing...
aside from the gorgeous rolling hills that we saw driving on the freeway...we were able to do a little detour to a famous little place...
remember The Bridges of Madison County? yeah that picture i showed a post before was me standing on one of the bridges. i think i'm going to read the book again just to remember it...and we'll plan on taking the kids there someday.
these bridges were built in 1880 and the reason why they are covered is because back then it was cheaper to replace the wood they used as covers rather than the boards on the bridge. it was pretty neat to be on those bridges realizing they were there for over 130 years.
madison county also just so happens to be john wayne's birthplace.
yup pretty cool. when i told the kids we went there i was explaining who john wayne was and again i was surprised when the two older boys chimed in "mom, we know who he is he was in true grit." "yeah mom he's rooster cogburn."
what in the h...really you remembered that? we watched that together like last year. i'm lucky i remember all my kids' birthdays!


i finally wowed them with telling them we saw fireflies for the first time EVER. never seen them before...i was in aw and jumping around going "look jake!!!! it's like in the movies!" yeah i grew up on the beach, all you midwesterns grew up with fireflies.

sooooo...we're moving to iowa, i don't know too much about it yet, i'm excited and i'm nervous, as i've never lived past utah...or heck i've never lived anywhere but california and utah...

and well this is our new home.
we bought it this last week. Or at least we are in the process of selling oir townhouse and in the process of buying this house. yeah i just threw that out there like it's nothing but in actuality, i was a walking panic attack trying to decide which house should be ours. we were actually in the realtor's office signing papers on another house when i freaked and stopped the process and went to see this house instead. i'm pretty sure our realtor (who happens to be the nicest guy) must of thought i was nuts...but seriously this is suppose to be the house my kids grow up in...like for a long time...i don't want to make a mistake...anywho it's that kind of thinking that's made me panic that i made a bad choice and what if this and what if that...what if that other house was suppose to be our house. blah blah blah diareah blah blah blah panic attack blah blah blah husband wondering if i'm going to make up my mind blah blah blah AHHHHHHH okay this house!
anyways *says the crazy one writing this post*

If all goes according to plan this is where i'll be sewing and talking to all of you from starting august. and i'm not going to lie to you...inside...it's going to be bare for a long time. we sold most of our furniture and have downsized (and still are downsizing) to just a few essentials for our trek across the plains... i mean we're taking the important things like beds, a kitchen table, and the kids...those things we can't downsize on...but everything else...yeah.
soooooo...any iowan's out there? any word of advise on how to take full advantage of living in iowa? what do we need to see? do? experience?
anything would be great.
now if you don't mind me...i'll be over here downsizing...packing (yet again) and getting ready to hit the plains baby!


Smarties said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Congratulations on finding a job. What as exciting adventure for all of you! The best part is they you get to do it all together.

Jenniffier said...

Glad to hear you found a place. It looks lovely and I am sure you will be happy. I am CA girl here who can count on one hand how many times she has been over the Rockies, so no advice from me, other thank I wish you the best in your new adventures :)

amy smart said...

Gorgeous pictures! And the house looks very 'you'. It's even gray! So excited for you guys.

V and Co. said...

amy my husband is laughing real hard right now on your comment...yes, it's very me. ;)

Brandy @ The Moody Fashionista said...

How exciting! Congrats!

The Dapelo Family said...

How exciting! We live in the Cedar Valley area and it is wonderful! We just moved here in December and have been trying to figure out all the different things to do with our kids. There are lots of fun places out this way from movies too if that is something that you like. We have been to Mason City where they did The Music Man and Dyersville where they did Field of Dreams. If you are in the Cedar Valley neither of those places are too far.
Welcome to the neighborhood! Your new home is beautiful!

Susan said...

I'm originally from CR! It's still recovering from the massive 2008 flood, so it's still not quite up to par, but I think you'll enjoy it. Suggestions for you: eat at Zio Johno's immediately and get the spaghetti. Be forewarned, though...it's like crack. Also try some sweet corn (not from Zio's, but just in general). The CR Art Museum has the world's biggest collection of Grant Wood artwork (and his studio is in CR, too). Head to Iowa City for lots of indie shopping. One of my all-time favorites is Artifacts, the *killer* local vintage shop. Ray Gun (located in Des Moines and IC) has hilarious Iowa-based t-shirts and other products. For a fun shopping day trip, head to Galena, IL (just across the border) for lots of variety in mom and pop stores.

The Dapelo Family said...

Also, I am a California girl too. I don't know if I would ever go back. :)

Melody said...

your new house looks great ~ a blank slate for you to start fresh ~ didn't realize your husband's name was Jake...that's my friend Joy's husband's name as well... :) hopefully she has some good suggestions for you out there!!

Susan said...

P.S. Yes, Iowa is very safe. Maybe not quite up to leaving your doors unlocked or anything, but pretty close. I went to Jefferson High School and it was a great experience. (Of course, that was 20 years ago, but I can't imagine it would be that different now.) For other ideas on what to do, pick up a Friday edition of the Gazette and check out the Weekend section. There's a farmer's market somewhere, too, but I haven't lived there for 11 years, so I'm not 100% sure where it is now. If you're interested in anything specific, let me know and maybe I can answer your questions for you.

Kimberly said...

Wishing you all the best! Personally, I love moving... crazy, I know! Keep the pics coming... Iowa looks beautiful!

Erin said...

Good luck on the move! Glad to hear all the great news. Iowa is very lovely, I've driven through it quite a few times (seriously, like more than 20 times). The cities are safe and the people are very friendly in my experiences.

Emily Norby said...

Just left Iowa City after living there for 5 years. My husband finished his residency there, and if a job opportunity had been available we would have stayed. Instead, we just moved a few hours west. Still Iowa, though :)

The midwest is beautiful, and the people wonderful.

Congratulations on the job!

p.s. the corn really is amazing

Stacy Orndorff said...

Yay for Iowa! We lived in CR awhile, now we live on the other side of the state. Cedar Rapids is a great transition to the Midwest. Pretty progressive city, lots of hipsters.

Not sure if Thai Moon is still there but it is the BEST restaurant in town. Don't forget to check out czech village and of course the Amana Colonies aren't too far away.

Best Wishes!

Melanie@Crafty Cupboard said...

I am so excited for you and your family! I haven't the slightest clue about the midwest, except that it is in the midwest. :)

Good for you for going for the dream job. We're still working that "I can't take one more day of unemployment so lets just take what we can get" job. Lovely.

DJ Rose said...

Wonderful pics. I can't help with Iowa. I too can count on one hand the number of times I've been further east than Denver. :)

Glad I got to meet you at the Quilt Market Meet Up before you left UT.

Good luck. Everything looks amazing!

Janice said...

May you be blessed in Iowa. It shows in your post that you are careful for your family and take great thought in the big life decisions.

I love the house and I love covered bridges.

Timolily said...

Oh I'm so happy for you!! Congratulations on both the job and home. New starts are so fun :-) Can't wait to see how Iowa will inspire you ♥

momto2wasd said...

I hope it's just what you are wanting for your family & your life! I don't know much about Iowa except that my boyfriend's friend is always trying to get him to move there because he loves it so much.

Sunnybec said...

How exciting a new house, a new life, new adventures. Yes is scary but you will be fine. We moved from the UK to France 8 years ago...not that's scary!!!! Good luck and remember... the kettle goes in last!! Linda x

Mystica said...

I am moving just five kms from one house to another and finding it traumatic! so can understand. I cant believe the stuff we have accumulated for 15 years in one house!

Anonymous said...

I must be such a relief to finally have that settled! Hope you like Iowa.

Corrie said...

oh so exciting and I just love your new house! It's what I picture as the perfect american house. I can't imagine the limbo you went through but doesn't everything work out in the end:) I'm so glad everything is falling into place! can't wait to see the inside of your new home

ps loooove bridges of madison county and you've just reminded me I really need to watch it again as I've only watched it as a single girl but now as a mummy of 4 I think it might take on a different meaning:)

Emily S. said...

I had no idea your husband is a MFT. My hubs is almost done with his PhD in that. I also had no idea there was a program there. CONGRATS!!

Amber said...

Congrats on the new opportunity! I live in Nebraska and one of my good friend's parents live in Cedar Rapids. They absolutely love itI

Jessie said...

I have a sister that lives outside of Des Moines and loves it. We lived there for 3 years (my husband wasn't a fan, but I could have stayed). We moved to be closer to both families (had twin infants at the time). The have WONDERFUL healthcare there! The Des Moines farmers market is amazing! I've never been to Cedar Rapids, but I'm sure it is as beautiful as the rest of the state!

Good luck on your move!

Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said...

I know you must be so glad to have a place to settle. I know nothing about the midwest (I'm a Southerner) but wish you all the best. The pictures sure look lovely!

Carly said...

Congrats!!! You will LOVE Iowa! I am from Iowa and I have lived all over and my husband and I never want to live anywhere else. We live in Des Moines and love it but we lived near Cedar Rapids when we were first married and loved it there too. You will seriously never want to leave. It is an amazing place to raise your children and to live in general. Best of luck!

QuiltyBee said...

Ok, I moved to northwest Iowa (the opposite side of you) from Seattle 23 years ago. I can't quite say I am used to the humidity yet, or the frequent thunderstorms, but the people are awesome! They are indeed friendly and kind through and through. People don't hesitate to talk about church here, they will offer hot dishes, and they love things like snickers salad (which my family says is not really salad :) Des Moines is a lot of fun, but even better, you will be fairly close to Seattle and Minneapolis--museums, plays, etc. My best to you and your family for your new adventure!

amylouwhosews said...

1) you are now *that* much closer to me - probably you should come see me next summer (road trip) and go to a real beach! where it's soft and sandy and the water is warm.

2) Iowa was always my favorite state to drive through on our many east coast - Utah treks. I always thought I would like to live there.

3) I'm so happy for you!!

QuiltyBee said...

Oops, I meant fairly close to CHICAGO and Minneapolis. And I'll add that the weather drama is something else--

hawkeyejlp said...

I grew up in Iowa--you will love it! The schools are great, people are friendly, cost of living very reasonable. I am kinda jealous!

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Mpls and my best friend is from Cedar Rapids. Wonderful town! You are close to everything, a quick (weekend) trip to Mpls Des Moines, Chicago, etc. You and your family are going to love it! Congrats to you and your husband! :)

mascanlon said...

Congratulations! Its been a journey for sure but it looks ike you have settled on the perfect home!

Unknown said...

Wow! Looks like a gorgeous, safe place to raise a family! Congrats!

Love the bridge! I want to go there now!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on finding a job that is just right for your family. I don't know anything about Iowa, but I'm sure you'll find lots of great people there.

Lisa said...

We're in Wisconsin and I loved your firefly experience. There are many nights when I can't sleep that I sit out in the garden sing and watch all the fireflies dance in the night sky. We grew up trying to catch them in jars because my grandpa told us we had to change their lightbulbs. :)

Thimbleanna said...

Ok. Fess Up. Now you're only close to ONE spring market (SLC) -- you're just moving so you'll be close to TWO (KC and MN) -- we know the REAL truth!!! (Plus, you're closer to CrazyMom. And Me! ;-D)

Wahoo!!! You're going to love it. It's a big change, and you'll DEFINITELY miss the mountains, but the midwest is a good place to live.

With all those boys? The Field of Dreams is a MUST. And Chicago. And Minneapolis. And....oooooh, I'm SO excited for you. (Even if I'm secretly VERY disappointed. I was thinking that maybe Indy was that safe city and if you were 2 hours from there ... you would be my neighbor!!!)

kelliemorgan said...

Congrats and welcome! I live in Illinois, and think the Midwest is the best in the land. (I've only lived here, so no a huge basis for comparison, but anyway). As someone mentioned, you are right near Galena which is gorgeous. Chicago is fantastic. Such a great town with so many things to do. I think the best part about the midwest is the people. You have many happy faces and friendly neighbors to look forward to. Welcome!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on finally getting a chance to settle down.

As far as not having much to move, I have been reading zero waste home blog and the Johnson family lives with very little. You can always say you are "living a zero waste life".

Brenda said...

Congratulations on your new chapter. It sounds like a wonderful decision was made. I'm so excited to find out you're moving to this area. I'm in mid-MO. Go Tigers! Your kids are going to love the summers here! Can't wait to see what quilts come out of your new house. Maybe our paths will cross in a quilt shop someday :).

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

yayayayay! congrats on knowing where you are doing and having a plan! :-)

Katie Canfield said...

I have a really good friend who grew up in Cedar Rapids, it's a pretty nice place! I live in Wisconsin and if you ever get the chance, travel around as much as possible, especially North! :) You won't regret it! And I know how you feel having to relocate. My fiance and I might be re-located down to North Carolina....at least it's an adventure! :)

suzi said...

Welcome to Iowa! I'm a lifer...i try to convince my husband that there are many other great states to live in, but he believes that the only real life is in iowa...amongst the corn fields and piles of snow!! you're going to love it here...i'm 1.5 hours to the south of you...don't get to cedar rapids that often, but know that it is a wonderful city...there are so many things to do here with a little travel involved...you can get anywhere you want to go within a couple of hours...my number 1 MUST do...the IOWA STATE FAIR...august 11-21 this year...i know you're moving, but it's totally worth a couple of days...this will be my 31st year, and there's no place i'd rather spend my summer vacation...another must...the UNI Dome craft show in Cedar Falls...it's ENORMOUS...October 15th this year i believe...you're also crazy close to Dubuque and the Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium, great place for kids and get history...county fairs in iowa are hard to beat...you'll miss most of them this year, but be prepared for next year!!! the great jones county fair (monticello)always has FANTASTIC entertainment. let me know if you're looking for something to do...i'd be glad to help out...if it's in the state, i've been there or been by it!!! congrats on the move...you're really going to love it!!

Leila said...

Yea! I was hoping you would be moving to Iowa. We live just north of Des Moines in small town Huxley.

We have lived in WA, UT, TX, IN and IA and I have to say that I LOVE the midwest! It is a great place to raise a family. The schools and neighbors are just great. You are going to love it - except for the winters. :)

You will have to visit the Amana colonies (about a half hour south west of CR) and of course the state fair. :)

Vickie E said...

Wow I could go on and on about Iowa...congrats on your move to one of the best places.
"It's not heaven, it's Iowa"
I should email you privately ;)
since I have pages to write about this.....

Kathy@mishmashmom said...

Congratulations on the new job! My SIL lives just a little southeast of Cedar Rapids in Muscatine. When we visited a few years ago, we absolutely loved it. It is such a beautiful place! So pretty and green and yes, the fireflies were fun! There are lots of Church History sites nearby--and lots of good thrift stores! :)

Shannon said...

Congratulations!!! It sounds like you have made some awesome, sound decisions. Best of lucks of an easy move and a gorgeous new house. Hopefully soon you will have time to take a deep breath, put your feet up, and just be.

Sherri said...

Congrats! I love Cedar Rapids...my Mom was born there, and I still have quite a bit of family in Iowa...all over the state, actually. I haven't been back for a few years...but wow...congrats!

Deanna said...

you will love iowa! i've lived here all my life. i'm in davenport now.

there is an amish community a little bit southwest-ish of iowa city that has some pretty cool quilt shops....you'll have to check that out.

all in all, iowa is a great place to raise a family.

Kari V. said...

I grew up 40 miles from Cedar Rapids and have most of my family still in Iowa. It is a great place to raise kids. I think Iowan's are pretty even keel and decent people. It's a mellow but stable life. I hope you quickly make friends. I wish I was still around to welcome you and give you a big hug and say it will be all right. My most favorite quilt shop in Iowa is in my hometown of Dysart, IA. It is small but has a great selection of modern fabrics. Your post is making me miss Iowa right now. A combination of happiness for you, nostalgia from me (and a maybe a dash of PMS) has brought tears to my eyes. Best, best, best wishes!!

chris said...

hooray for limbo being over! i hope that all goes well with the rest of your move. the new house looks awesome.

Six-Pack Momma said...

I totally called it!To myself, anyway! I was born in Iowa, but sadly moved away when I was 5. I listed to my older siblings fondly recall memories of their childhood, and I'ma bit jealous. I'm excited for your new adventure!

Dana said...

Congratulations to you and your family! The hardest part is making the decision...and then you just "go for it". Wherever you live, you will make it "home". I have never been to Iowa, but it sure seems like a great place.

Linda said...

Vanessa...and Co....Fire flies...corn and all of those rolling hills...wonderful midwestern people....I love the midwest! I grew up in Illinois and still love to return after all these years. We spent all of our summers going to visit relatives in Iowa...I think you will be content there...someone mentioned in another post that you should go to Galena for a day trip. It is a sweet town..an old friend of mine works at a museum there! Keep posting...it will be good to hear how things go there....

country girl chronicles said...

Congratulations! What a relief that must be!

My husband and I lived in Iowa for three years - in West Des Moines. It will always, always have a special place in my heart. I miss Iowa so very much. It is where my daughter was born, where my hubs graduated law school, and where the best hair stylist I've ever had was. :) Seriously though, I've never lived in a more family friendly place with the kindest, most helpful people. You're going to love it!

catie said...

you'll LOVE the midwest! we have lots of fireflies here! i hope you like corn, too! :)

i don't live in iowa, i live in kansas. but i have a friend from macedonia, iowa, which is near council bluffs! and we have another friend that lives in waterloo. they both love it!

i know there are nice people everywhere, but there's just something about the midwest charm that you just can't beat!

the house looks beautiful and congrats on landing a job in a great area!

Anna said...

okay, I didn't even read your post, but I'm SO EXCITED YOU'RE MOVING TO IOWA! You know that's only a hop skip and a jump from where I live!!! yay! so happy!

Free Art Printables said...

Congrats on your move! It's such an exciting new adventure!

call me Laura said...

I have been reading your blog FOREVER! I am born and raised in Iowa, what do you want to know? My husband grew up in Cedar Rapids. Good Luck navigating that town confuses the heck out of me still after 10 yrs. We live in Ames, now, home of the Cyclones and Iowa State University. CR is fun, we visit there every month or so!

Colette said...

Congratulations and good luck! I've only lived in utah my self, but it sure sounds like a fun adventure! Hope everything goes well for you!

Meredith said...

I grew up in small town Iowa(I mean really small, as in 800 people a bar and a gas station, and no stoplights at all) and I loved it. I, personally, don't want to live in small town Iowa ever again but I love Iowa. I now live in Des Moines and couldn't be happier. I did a 4 year(college) stint in another mid-western state and loved it as well. If you're moving in August you CANNOT miss the state fair. It's a must and for a newly minted Iowan, you have to make the trek. If not this year( I understand moving can be a bit time consuming) but it has to be a must in the near future. I think you're going to love it.

LT said...

Congratulations! I'm sure you're very relieved to have all the uncertainty settled. Now for all the excitement of moving and being in a new place!

Melissa said...

Welcome to the Midwest! We live about 3 1/2 hours northeast in Wisconsin. If your kids have never had a snow day, they should get used to them now. The joys of midwest cold & snow :) I hope you enjoy it; we sure do. Everyone is pleasant and easy going.

Whitney & Ryan said...

Can I say welcome to Eastern Iowa!! I live just two hours from Cedar Rapids or CR as it's lovingly shortened! If you need some Eastern Iowa tips email me, also if you're looking for fun stuff to do email me too! I have all sorts of ideas for you! Welcome again, and like they they say in the movies; is this heaven? No, it's Iowa!

Emilie said...

Congratulations! I grew up in Iowa and went to Coe College in Cedar Rapids. It's just down the street from Mt. Mercy. You will love Cedar Rapids! They have a great Bernina quilt shop called Pine Needles (http://www.pineneedles.net/store/pc/home.asp) and not far away is Marion,IA where there are a couple of small quilt shops and Zoey's Pizza. They have the most amazing Taco Pizza.(http://www.zoeyspizza.com/) Best of all they have not one but two Super Targets!

MNgirls2 said...

I'm from Lanesboro MN a little town close to the Iowa border. You will like the Midwest! Being so close to Minnesota you will have to check out the Mall of America in the Twin Cities! If you are enjoy biking you could always check out Lanesboro! www.lanesboro.com we have lots of fun things to do here! Enjoy your new home!


bethanndodd said...

Congrats to you and the entire family! I am a born and raised mid-westerner and I love it (ok, I may be a little biased). Iowa is just as friendly as Missouri. My bestie lives in West Des Moines and we visit often :) Now, go see if you can find some winter coats on clearance somewhere...you are gonna need them!!!!! Best of luck to you!

Needled Mom said...

I grew up on a farm about a half hour from CR. You are going to love raising your family there. Have a safe move.

ellen said...

That's so great! I bet you'll enjoy Iowa. And you'll have that home decorated in no time!!

Heather at Happy Chippy Junk said...

I am so excited for you!! What a great adventure!! Think of all the new thrift stores and barn sales in your furture!!

Sarah A. said...

Yea for Iowa! We lived in Iowa for 6 & 1/2 years. I went to law school at U of I and we lived in Tipton, a tiny town about 1/2 hour south of Cedar Rapids! CR is a nice city- we bought our furniture at Smulekoff's downtown. I recommend checking it out, as well as the IMAX theater! In the summer there's a fun Taste of Cedar Rapids festival. Ooo, and you definitely have to see the Cedar Rapids Symphony! You'll be very close to Iowa City which is also a great city with lots to do. You're moving to a very wholesome yet culture-filled area of the country-I bet you'll love it. Enjoy!!

Heather at Happy Chippy Junk said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KendasCrafts said...

Congratulations! Iowa is fantastic. Midwesterners are wonderful, friendly, helpful people, and Iowa is a great place to raise a family. I may be a little biased (raised in NE, now living in IA), but I think you will be happy with the new location.

stacey said...

YAY! Welcome to Iowa!!! Its an awesome place to live, I'm so excited for you guys and your new adventure! Yes, like everyone else says, EAT THE CORN!!! You won't believe it!!! And try to make it to Des Moines at least one saturday morning for the Farmer's Market before it ends in the fall, its amazing!
Again, welcome and we're happy to have you with us!

Emily said...

I grew up in Kansas City and Omaha, spent years in St.Louis as well. You'll love everything about the midwest...except the humidity. It'll kill you some days. :) Best of Luck. Say hello to my people for me!

caseynpatrick said...

I have lived in Southeast Iowa all of my life. Not as exciting as the beach but it is a GREAT place to raise a family. Be sure to attend an Iowa Hawkeye football game at Carver in Iowa City and the state fair is coming up in August - it's held at the state fairgrounds in des moines. It is a must see - known to be one of the best in the country and is a family tradition for most of the state. Good luck with the move and I wish you the best! Oh yeah, WELCOME :)

Erica said...

Welcome to the midwest! I was born and raised in Iowa... and only got seven miles over the border into MN. I feel so blessed to raise my family in this region. It is safe, the people are friendly and we have world class health care around here. You will be coming to Iowa during my favorite time of year.... the corn will just be tasseled and you will get to experience the whole fall season... the sights, the smells and the weather.

I am so happy for your family. I hope you love the region as much as we do!

All8 said...

Vanessa, you and yours will love the Midwest. As a transplant there are somethings that will take some getting used to. Without the mountains, it's hard to know where your going. Streets may change names with twists and turns (hm, maybe that's just Missouri?!) Ditches are to take all of the water away, and there can be a ton of it. Storms can be tremendous, huge, and will strike awe right to your very heart (be sure you have a basement or other place to go to be safe.) More water means more wildlife (and by wildlife, I mean bugs.) The summer heat and humidity will change how you spend your time and when you do things (early mornings out and afternoons in are best.) Your hair may become frizzy but you'll need less conditioner. More water also means that it's green here, really green most of the time. Farmers wave with their fingers while they are driving and they wave at everyone, you'll find yourself doing it too. Temple attendance takes more planning, but of course totally worth it. Welcome to the Midwest, from Mid-Missouri.

Emily said...

CONGRATS!! Sounds like the perfect job and perfect house!! I enjoyed living in the midwest (Madison, WI) much more than I thought I would. (I grew up in San Diego). It's beautiful most of the year and the people there are genuinely nice and caring. It's great!

Desert Diva said...

I grew up in Nebraska and have to say there is no place like the heart land of America. You and your family will love Iowa and the warmth of the people :)

Jennifer said...

Congratulations, you'll love it. I'm a California girl, born and raised in San Diego County but to move to Kansas 5 years ago and would NEVER go back! Enjoy the fireflies, they still make giddy every summer!!!!

Tabitha said...

Yea for Iowa! I have lived here my whole life. I was thinking you'd be over in the Iowa City area by the hints of your last post! I also agree with the Iowa State fair. I loved going every year with my family! I think there are crystal caves over by Cedar Rapids as well if your family hasn't ever been to any before. Hopefully your move goes smoothly!

Beeps said...

I had to reread your sentence several times when you said you had never seen fireflies before. As in, "what"?! I've always lived on the east coast and I guess I just took lightening bugs for granted. They are truly magical, and I get excited each year when I see them for the first time in early summer. Enjoy Iowa! What a great adventure :)

Unknown said...

How exciting for you and your family. Good for you for holding out for the right job and for doing what you did to get the right house.

Tracey said...

How exciting. My in-laws live in Iowa and I love visiting them in the summer. Just watch out for ticks. I got a nasty one last year. If your husband is into hunting he is going to love it.

Try the corn and also make sure you get the taco pizza at Happy Joe's. I wish we had a Happy Joe's in Utah.

Unknown said...

So excited for you, and your family!! Your new home looks like a winner :)

Whim and Pearl said...

YAY! I knew it was Iowa from reading your last post! We live just north of Des Moines (north of Ankeny, actually)...I think you will really enjoy it here...like many of the others have said...laid back, friendly people, great place to raise your kids...If you will be here within the next month, you'll have to get some sweet corn from a local farmer's stand :)

Tennjenny said...


Kat said...

I was born and raised in CR! Moved away in 2000, but still consider it home.


Missy said...

That is awesome. Congratulations!!! I have to admit, I was, am a Californian, born and raised. Thanks to my hubby though (military) I have experienced so many other places to live. Each time we moved it has been difficult, sad and very stressful. But everytime we arrived it has been wonderful experiencing all the things I would have never had teh pleasure of experiencing otherwise. Have fun and enjoy the ride.

Maggie said...

I am a born and bred eastern Iowa and I love it here! Congrats on your move!

erica christensen said...

Congrats on the move! My husband and I live in central Iowa and have for the past few years. I hope the move is smooth and you enjoy your new home.

Cindra said...

I grew up in Southeastern Iowa and many of my friends went to U of I and settled in the Cedar Rapids area. They love it!

I always felt Iowa had a good open, non-judgmental viewpoint of the world. Education is fabulous and life is paced well. Best wishes there... I know you will love it.

Leslie Ann said...

my sister lives in Ceder Rapids and absolutely loves it!! Good luck and Congrats

Anonymous said...

I think Happy Joe's is on its last leg. The one over by the Collins Rd area is gone, and so is the 16th Ave location, but I think the Lindale one is still going. Deanna, I think you're talking about Kalona (quilt shops), which is a Mennonite community. I hear they have good cheese and candles there, too.

tjp said...

I wondered if you would say "Iowa!" Yay! I'm from the pacific NW, but have called Iowa City home for the past 15 years. It's beautiful, the fireflies ARE fun, and a great place to raise a family. You'll have to visit IC, too....not too far from CR, and lots to do here.
Good luck with the move!!

MegJill said...

Congratulations! Your new home is BEAUTIFUL! You will have so much fun decorating and making it your long term home. Honestly, starting with hardly any furniture will probably be exciting! You'll get to start from scratch and just get what YOU want, instead of being stuck with things you bought ten years ago at a garage sale and never really liked that much anyway.
My family is from Missouri, we've spent the last 15ish years in Idaho, except now my husband and I live in West Virginia. You can find good people, good places and good food all over the country! Even in Iowa!
Good luck on the move, and see you in August. :)

Heather said...

We lived in Des Moines when my husband was in school and loved it. You will love Iowa. There is so much to do for kids and everything I have seen is very family friendly.

Erika said...

Congrats! I wish you the best in beautiful Iowa. I visit two years ago while going to Boston.

britt said...

I grew up in NW Iowa until moving to MI to marry my husband. The people are very friendly and helpful. I miss the slower pace of life, the big open skies, people who don't know you waving hello, etc. I smiled when I read "gorgeous rolling hills" in your post because I feel the same way. Iowa is really very beautiful! People in Michigan always ask me, "What did you do in Iowa growing up?" We do/did the same things that people do all across the country! Maybe someday people will ask your children that same question!

KP said...

Random reader here...grew up in Utah, married a man from Virginia, and lived in West Des Moines for 4 years while he attended med school there. You'll love it there. It's clean and beautiful and SO family-friendly. And, the public schools are some of the best. Good luck!

Carolyn J. said...

Best wishes for your move to Iowa!
We lived in south central Iowa for 5 years, while our children were in grade and high school. There are hot air balloon festivals in Ottumwa and Indianola, we went to the Ottumwa one, was closer to us and it's not as big but was fascinating....like HUGE fireflies...teehee.
There are also huge man-made lakes in Iowa, we lived near Lake Rathbun, nicknamed Iowa's ocean, it's huge, can rent boats, jet skis, go camping etc.
We are originally from PA, so we missed the mountains while in Iowa but we loved the big, open skys, night time was like sitting in a planetarium...you could see stars from horizon to horizon in all directions. We lived "in the middle of no-where" so it was really dark too, I guess that helped.
Although our children went to a very small school, 300 students in PreK-12 grade, they had so many opportunities through local, district and state competitions for speech, music and jazz band, we saw alot of Iowa traveling to competitions.
Of course you need to try the local produce especially the corn :) and you must experience the state fair, once was enough for us, but at least we can say we were there!
Enjoy the mid-west adventure!

Krista said...

Thank you so much for sharing your issues picking a job. I'm going through a transition after 9 years of teaching. While I have only a few jobs open to me, I'm being picky about my assignment and I'm at risk of not getting anything. After so long, it's tough to settle on something mediocre (or worse, stressful) just to get a paycheck. I was starting to second guess this strategy but your post has made me feel a lot better. With a little faith, everything will be ok. I wish you happiness in you new home and work!

Katie said...

our friends live in Cedar Rapids and LOVE IT! Good luck and HAVE FUN!

Lídia Guimarães said...

Estou muiiiiito longe,no Brasil,só posso desejar felicidades e muita sorte para voces.O mais importante é que a família esta juntinha para o que der e vier.Muito sucesso para voces.

Sharon S said...

Congrats! Those things in life we sometimes call "mistakes" are actually lessons. Because, after all, we are all life-long learners. Watch the movie too!BOMC!!!

Laine said...

Congrats on your move to Iowa. I grew up in a very small town near
Dyersville and still have family in that area.

Patience said...

I love the midwest. We did grad school in Wisconsin before moving to Alaska for a real job. The people are so super nice, the green is refreshing after a cold winter, and the fireflies and bug noises beat any fireworks ever. Good luck and congratulations!!

VickiT said...

Congratulations on the job and the big move. You will love it once you're there and settled in. Do you possibly recall from our emails a week or so ago and me telling you that one city that was under consideration was 5 hours south of me? Well, this one, even though it is in another state is actually closer and only about 3 hrs from us.
Great looking house. Even if the house is bare for awhile, you have a house and hubby's got an awesome job. And the kids are going to have new experiences that will be fun for them AND for Mom since they will all be new to her too never having lived in the Midwest.


The Riesbergs said...

Welcome to Iowa!!! The best place to raise a family. Trust me you won't regret it. Good Luck with the move.

You can go to Field of Dreams too!!!

Smeeker082 said...

Welcome to the Midwest! I'm in Nebraska so we're neighbors of sorts. Its a good place to raise your kids and midwesterners are good people.

Debbie Lou said...

Congratulations on the new job and the move. I think you will like it there. I grew up just an hour away from CR. My folks are still there and I have 2 brothers who live in CR. We are thinking of moving back that direction. It's home, after all, and I have been away too long. There's lots to do in CR and the surrounding area. The shopping is pretty good too! Enjoy!!!

cheryl @ nefotlak. said...

big congrats on the job, the move and the house - absolutely gorgeous.
all the best for the upcoming move.
cheryl xox.

Diane Conn said...

My husband served part of his LDS mission in Cedar Rapids. He says it was one of his favorite areas!
Good luck with everything!

Sally said...

Awesome! Although I was voting for Utah! :) Do I get to see you before you leave?

KatheG said...

Congratulations on the job, the new home, the move, downsizing (and glad to hear you are keeping the essentials), new shopping to fill everything up AND REMEMBER - BREATHE!!!! (By the way - cute toes.)

janieg said...

Congratulations to you both!! Please don't forget us in California. We love you too!

Karen H said...

Welcome to Iowa..... you'll love it here! I moved to Iowa in 1993 from Minnesota..... and before that I lived in Wisconsin. Iowa has the friendliest people! The winters might take some getting used to..... :) as do the mosquitos and the humidity in the summer......other than that, it's a great place to live!

Karen H said...

oh, and you must go see "the Field of Dreams" (by Dyersville, where they filmed the movie) and the Iowa State Fair, and the town of Pella..... :)

MerlynnW said...

Congratulations! Love the house. But... you really need to paint the front door. lol It needs some color. I'm sure that's one of the things on your list. Thinking Red, Yellow, or green. Just try it.

Nancy @ Live love laugh said...

Your new home is lovely and I am sure with your homey touch it will be perfect!

Evelene S said...

I am so happy for you and your family! Iowa sounds like a great place to raise your family and be a stay at home mom. What a difference from Lake Havasu:-)

Unknown said...

I am from Iowa, and it is probably the best place ever to raise a family. Seriously. Go to the Valle Drive- In in Newton - if it's not too far away. :) Just google it, they have a website of where it is and what they are showing. I LOVE THE DRIVE IN. Good luck! <3

Kathleen said...

Best wishes in your new job, home, everything...I am sure this is so exciting for you...you picked a lovely home....

Anne said...

How exciting! I currently live in Indiana, but lived in Iowa for some time. I always call it home. It is a great place to raise kids. I wish you many blessings as you and your family embark on this new adventure!

Sandy said...

So excited for you and yours! Blessings are truly amazing. :)

dana said...

Very exctiting!!!
Thanks for sharing the news with us!
I'm totally excited for your new adventure.

Charlise said...

Your new house looks amazing! I've never lived anywhere but California...matter of fact I still live with my Mom. I'm sure you'll do great!

Kim said...

I have some family in that area, including my cousin who also has young children. I'm frequently envious of the cool things she has nearby to do with her kids. I can't think of any specifics, but you can check out her blog and see if any of the things are close to you! http://saflings.blogspot.com/ Congratulations!

Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise said...

Woohoo. Glad you guys found a house. Looks fabulous. How is it that you got a house before us...we seriously need to nail this down.

I am excited for you guys. The midwest is fun for sure.

Dara said...

I am so happy for you to know where you will go. I love the house!! I love the bungalow- my dream house is a ranch style bugalow with a walk out. All the best.

Anonymous said...

I moved to 10 miles east of Cedar Rapids a week ago and have loved following your blog. I'm still figuring Iowa out, but look forward to hearing about your adventures and sharing some of mine!

Amanda said...

Wow, I live in Cedar Rapids! I never thought that I'd follow a blog of someone who actually lives in Iowa! I think you guys will like it here, it isn't terribly exciting but a very nice place to live! I will be continuing to follow your blog! Welcome! :)

The Abram Family said...

You will LOVE Cedar Rapids! I was born and raised in Scottsdale, AZ (I live there now) so I am a west coast girl too but my husband and I lived in CR for two years. He was a minor league baseball player and played for the Cedar Rapids Kernals (the single A team for the Minnesota Twins) right there in CR. If your kids are baseball fans you MUST check out some games (even if you aren't baseball fans, the games are so much fun - and cheap!). They play almost every day from March to about September, the stadium is A-MAZING and they have really great events and entertainment. There's also a pretty great water park I think up in Waterloo, you should check out the 'real' Field of Dreams (where the movie was actually filmed) and Chicago is not too far away. Enjoy!!!

Lesley said...

I have lived my entire life in the Midwest (KS, NE, and MO). Although it's been a great experience, I cannot wait until I can leave here and move to the coast.

Here's my advice/wisdom:

Weather changes frequently. Be prepared for EVERYTHING at all times. I hope your house has a basement. Tornados are a big Midwest thing. Mosquitos are awful creatures and swarm the Midwest. Don't try to have straight hair. There is too much humidity. In the summer, prepare to be soaking in sweat within five minutes of being outside because of the humidity. If you have allergies, good luck.

Those are all of the bad things that you should be prepared for, but there are thousands of good things. I'm not going to tell you what they are because that's half of what makes them so good.

P.S. I totally guessed Cedar Rapids area from your last post.

Lauren said...

The midwest is a wonderful place to live and raise a family. My fiance's family is from Iowa and it is a great place. Like the last poster said, be prepared for some really crazy weather that changes at the drop of a hat... But also be prepared to feel incredibly safe. Also, become a Hawkeye fan! GO HAWKS!

Unknown said...

Depending on when in August, you might miss our sweet corn season, but come next July our sweet corn will top your list of things to eat!!! Don't buy it from the grocery store, buy it from a roadside stand. That's the little guys and they have better corn for a better price.

We are about 60 miles west of Mt. Mercy, which by the way, has an excellent reputation! I am a lifelong Iowa resident and I can't imagine living anywhere else. There are a million fantastic things to do!

The furthest east I go for quilt shops is in the Amana Colonies. GREAT PLACE!!! If you would ever like to meet up for a quilt shopping expedition and great german food, drop me an email.

And WELCOME to Iowa! We are glad you are here!!!

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! So happy for you and your family. I live in Iowa and we welcome you with open arms. I feel certain you are going to love it in our state. Can't wait to see your posts during and after the move :) Shelley

Teresa said...

How exciting! I live in the Dubuque area. You will love Iowa! Venture to see the Mississippi River. I have a niece at Mount Mercy

Patty said...

I am happy you found a place in Iowa. I've lived here all my life and love it. You will have to watch for when The Bridges of Madison County has their yearly festival. Can't remember when it is but it's fun and lots of activities. Des Moines is a great place too. I have 2 children living in that area.

Nicole said...

Oh I just started reading your blog. I've been here in Cedar Rapids now for 7 years and it's a nice town. Des Moines is a few hours away and Minneapolis is only about 5, close enough for a weekend getaway (about the same for Chicago, too).

I look forward to seeing what you find in our town. Downtown is still getting over the flood we had a few years ago, but it's getting better.

Pots and Pins said...

You will LOVE Iowa! Nicest people, great corn, stinkin' long cold winters BUT equally long, roaring fires at night! So happy your hubby got the job he wanted - Iowa will love you and your family!

trish said...

I am so happy for you and your family! I know this has been such a heavy weight to bare and it sounds like the exact door opened and the exact time! Don't you just love that ??!!
I love your new home! It so looks like you and will be a wonderful place to raise your family!!
A giant congratulations and huge blessings to you all!!!
love, Trish

Deb said...

Hello! I live across (what is currently a very wide river) the river from Iowa in Nebraska, but have many relatives in Iowa. It maybe an adjustment from the west coast, but it worth it!! Hopefully, next winter will not be like the last two--so you can kind of ease into this snow thing! And...while everyone has been pumping up Iowa, I do feel a need to let you know, that the International Quilt Museum is located in Lincoln NE. Now, that might be one of those "weekend trips" but worth it!! Here is the link to their site: http://www.quiltstudy.org/visit/
Welcome to the Midwest! Glad you are moving here!
Deb from clutteredquilter.blogspot.com

Marin D said...

My (now former) boss moved to Iowa a few years ago. He has been trying to get me to come visit. He said the state fair is really great. It's something I'd love to do someday. Good luck with the relocation!

Erin said...

Congrats on the new house and big move from a fellow Iowan!

We live in Dubuque, a bridge away from Illinois and Wisconsin, right on the Mississippi river.

Welcome! :)

Amanda Jean said...

congratulations! i hope you LOVE Iowa. It sure looks pretty from your photos. :)

charlotte said...

I know you will love the midwest. I grew up in Missouri, but spent many happy summers on my great uncle's farm in Iowa. Good luck. Hope you all love it.

usagypsy said...

I am so jealous! I LOVE this area. Been sight seeing through Iowa several times with my RV. So many cool antiques, beautiful scenery, bridges :) and don't forget Fons and Porters! We even ate at the tiny diner where Clint Eastwood filmed part of the Bridges of Madison County at. Saw the stool he sat in and everything :) Good Luck with the move!

Aimee said...

Wow! Congrats and best of luck!

Holly said...

My husband is from Iowa and I am from Ohio. We live in California now. A stone's throw from the beach. I love it here but there will always be a part of me that misses the Midwest. There's just something about it. Your mention of fireflies had me tearing up a bit. Some times it's the little things about home you miss the most.

How exciting for your family! I hope your children have as much fun catching fireflies in the yard as I did as a child.

Good Luck!

Lindsey said...

Good luck with the move. My sister and her husband live in Ames, IA where he is a professor. They love it there. I don't know anything about Cedar Rapids, but I am sure the people will be as nice there as in Ames.

Sharon T said...

Congratulations on your move to Iowa! Be sure to check out West Side sewing. You will love the Midwest and its' people
Sharon t

Karen said...

You do know what Iowa stands for right? Iowa Owes the World an Apology? Hey - I can say that as I was born in Des Moines and Iowa-ains know the best Iowa jokes. Kidding aside, very beautiful (flat) state - I escaped to MN and now am in WI - but it's all good in the midwest!!! You will love it and it is a great place to raise kids. Fantastic house too!

Amy Lynne said...

I am so glad this are working out for you! It sounds like you made a great decision for your family!!

Tina in Boston said...

Congratulations on finding a new home!

elizabeth said...

so excited for you!!! i'm a missouri girl and all i can say is that the midwest ROCKS!!!! :>

Ashley said...

My sis lives in CR and LOVES it! There is so much to do there. I'm always jealous about the cool things they have going on!

Jodi said...

We live outside of Des Moines. Love it! I would have to second or third a visit to the Iowa State Fair is a must do event. And..you must have some sweet corn that you buy from a farmer's market or a street vendor. Oh..and sledding down a really big hill after a winter snowstorm.

April (Polkadot Sparrow) said...

Good for you! That's all I have to say. I am happy for you guys that you were able to wait for the right job and to not settle. And that you'll be living around such killer landscape. Happy corn huskin'! :)

Sewing Princess said...

I am so happy for your move and the new job. The house and scenery look fantastic. It would be cool to hear something about Iowa when you get settled. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the new house! I'm a new reader (via Little Birdie Secrets) but I'm also an Iowa City resident and grew up in Des Moines. You'll love it here. Be sure to make it to the State Fair in August if you can. Iowa City has tons of great shopping and restaurants. Check out Home Ec Workshop, a great little fabric & yarn store. Good luck with the move.

Kim said...

Congratulations! I went to Mount Mercy (when it was still Mount Mercy College) - everyone is very friendly and you'll love walking around campus. Cedar Rapids has a ton of activities for your family as well!

rhilborn said...

Congratulations!!! What an answer to prayer. It's amazing the blessings we can experience when we truly have to walk in faith, not knowing how it will all work out. My parents lived in Cedar Rapids for a short while as young marrieds in the early 70's. They're Texans and had been living in Michigan and Ohio for school. My mom still talks about what a lovely place Cedar Rapids was and how much she enjoyed their short time there.

Flmgodog said...

You are going to love Iowa!!!!
We will be lucky to have you!! Congratulations on the move!

♥Happy is Yellow♥ said...

Welcome to the great Midwest!!! You will love it here!! ♥ I'll be your neighbor over here in South Dakota. :) Really though... You will love it here... The people are sooo down to earth and friendly. You are in for a treat with the weather though! lol Best of luck to you and your family on your new adventure!! :)

jen said...

Congratulations!! I grew up in Northeastern Iowa. You are going to love it, I did not learn to appreciate the beauty of it until I moved away. You need to find a local Amish community (all over in Iowa) and try all their yummy jams and baked goods! Really everyone is quite friendly there so get used to everyone waving as you drive through the countryside. Pella Iowa has a fantastic tulip festival in the spring with all the dutch fixings. There are so many other fun things to do! Hope you enjoy!

Amber said...

LUCKY YOU! My husband grew up there and I served a mission in Iowa (no, that is not how we met). The people are fantastic. The winters are a bit brutal but totally worth having a great, safe place to raise your kids. Good luck! If you ever get a chance to go over to Iowa city it is a great town. And the Amish country outside of it is very interesting and educational.

SewSara said...

my kids have been obsessed with the Music Man -- you need to netflix the Matthew Broderick version -- it all happens in River City Iowa (maybe you already know this) and you'll like the song "You ought to give Iowa a Try!"

good luck on your move ...
My in-laws live in Iowa and I ALWAYS say "I could live here" when we visit (Des Moines). We lived in Missouri for a few years (and I'm an Idaho/Utah girl) and I loved it -- met some of my BEST friends there (including my dear Megan from Quiltstory!).

I really think you'll love it.

Erica said...

What an exciting adventure for all of you! Congratulations!

Homeowner Insurance Plan

Josalyn said...

We moved to Iowa last year, actually to Iowa City just 20 minutes south of Cedar Rapids and we love, love, love it. The winters are freakishly cold, but other than that we have no complaints. The people there are soooo nice and friendly and everything is very family oriented. I am sure that you will love it.

Karen said...

My husband and family grew up in Des Moines and Sioux City. They have OUTSTANDING schools!! The people there are very solid, sensible and stoic. Not the gossipy type, more the mind our business but we're here if you need us type. One of the best getaway spots in the state is Lake Okoboji!! We live in Alabama and we still go up there for family reunions! Spirit Lake is gorgeous....not the Gulf of Mexico, but hey, it's convenient. Your children will have a nice normal childhood. My husband says get involved in a good church, as they as they are few and far between.

Lisa said...

We live in Ann Arbor, MI now, but used to live in Iowa City for 13 years prior. Trust me when I tell you that you are going to be loving this area!! If you are looking for a church, check out Parkview in North Liberty (between Iowa City/ Coralville). It's progressive and has great things to offer. The other church that is wonderful is Grace Community Church in North Liberty, too. It hosts a huge MOPS group. For most of your typical "mall" shopping, you'll be at Coral Ridge in Coralville. I think there's a quilting shop in North Liberty (by Casey's off Zeller). Get your winter gear at Scheel's (kinda like REI, only way better). The mall has an excellent children's museum, ice skating rink with hockey & lessons, movie theater, children's indoor play space, a carousel, etc, etc. Stop in at Memories on 5th in Coralville for the neat scrapping items. In Cedar Rapids, there's a big Michael's that I used to pop into often. Cedar Rapids has a lot of great popular music artists that come to the arena. St. Luke's Hospital is where my husband used to moonlight and he had good things to say about it. South of Iowa City is a town called Kalona (where I used to teach). It's home to some Amish, so get your baked goods there. If you like antiques, it's a jackpot! ;) Anyway, enough rambling...moving is always an adventure, but you'll soon discover yourself how nice people are, and the little discoveries to find. Best wishes! Lisa

Unknown said...

Love it I moved to Iowa for the same resons, I am from across the pond . I am so happy you are moving here i am about an hour away from you, your post made me smile i love your work and i wish my house would look like yours one day i to am a stay at home mum with 3 kids 9, 5 (soon to 6 ) and 2 i do work 16 hours a week a the town library. Our little town with a big heart has a bad time with mother nature but we are getting better and bigger. I wish you all the luck in the world with your new adventure.
p.s. just a little saying i keep with me "is this heaven?" "no its Iowa"

Gillian said...

Wow, and you just moved too.

Britta said...

You will fall in love with the midwest! I miss living there. The best part of the summer? Fireflies. Completely magical...and they make the terrible humid summers (almost) tolerable. Good luck.

Jodi said...

Good luck on your move, I hope that it goes smooth for you and your family. I am your newest follower and also from Iowa. :) We live on the western side of Iowa!. Fall is my favorite time of year, winter and spring my worse favorite and summer is just humid! :)
Take care!

Jen said...

I just came across your blog -- so I'm not sure how nature-y you and your family are. But I LOVED the Neal Smith Nature Preserve, just east of Des Moines. I lived in DM for a year in college and volunteered at Neal Smith, which is another great opportunity if they'll let your kids do it with you - you get to helps save the natural grasslands. However, they also have educational opportunities for kids, and I'm sure you'd also have a great time just escaping with your family for a long hike through the preserve.

Otherwise - make the drive to Omaha to visit the zoo? I've lived here most of my life and still make sure to go at least once a year - it's fantastic!

jwheels7 said...

Welcome to Iowa! I'm glad you've had such a great experience so far (minus the humidity. it's gross, I know). I grew up in Central Iowa, but I hope you are enjoying all that Eastern Iowa has to offer :-)

k@tastrophy designs said...

Welcome to the midwest!!

Be prepared for a sadly brutal winter though...I will say- if you can make it through a midwestern winter (I am in Minneapolis) you can make it through ANYTHING! Congrats on the new job!!

Bowdymom said...

Hi! Just came across your blog today.

Really nice! Then, I see you have moved to Cedar Rapids!

I live 50 miles north in Cedar Falls, Iowa. You will love Iowa. It is beautiful and there are plenty of fun shops.

Best wishes!!!


Christa said...

Congrats! Midwest is the best! :)

Ellen aka Ellie said...

I hope you're enjoying Iowa! I live near Chicago, and a few years ago, one of my good friends had breast cancer. When she beat it, she moved back to Iowa. She said, "Short as life is, I'm going to spend it in a beautiful place!" Quite the endorsement, wouldn't you agree?

Your house is so cute, I'm going to look for posts to see how you've made it your own!


Donna said...

I know this comment is almost a year late but I just found your blog. Love it! And of course I had to search out where you lived in Iowa cuz I grew up there. And I grew up in Cedar Rapids! Love that town! I miss Iowa and the wonderfulness of the Midwest. I hope you love it too! Good luck!

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