moving into a house that's bigger means needing to buy stuff for extra rooms. one room in mind is the bathroom. we have 3 and half bathrooms. last house had 2 bathrooms.
so there's a master bathroom, a guest bathroom (aka katie's bathroom) laundry room bathroom (the half bathroom) and the basement bathroom (aka oh my gosh my three boys are sharing a bathroom and sharing the responsibility on cleaning it too. gross.) so we went last weekend to get some more supplies for the extra bathrooms. on the list shower rods and curtains. i had in my mind what i wanted for the bathrooms. white for the guest bathroom and a "man-ly" slash still boyish slash kind of plain but maybe with some geometric shapes on the fabric in a blue shade for the downstairs boy's bathroom.
things didn't go as i planned because well...hmmm let me just set the scene:
katie and i had just gotten done picking up some organizing containers for the kitchen drawers (i know i was as excited then as you are reading about it now) we rounded the corner and came upon the boys in the bathroom aisle. we reached them and asked how it was going.
husband: "oh fine. they can't decide on what shower curtain they want. "
me: "oh? well how about this one?" (holding up something i had in mind for their bathroom)
husband: GASP!
the kids and i all looking at the shower curtain i had picked out slowly turn back to my husband to see what made my husband gasp.
husband: " ISN'T IT SOOO COOL?!!!"
we all move towards him and the kids get there before i can. at this point all four male people in our family are gasping and isn't it so cool-ing as well.
i finally clear the way and gasp.
me: "no, uh uh. that's just plain ugly. we're not going to get that."
husband: "if you mean by totally being awesome and the coolest thing ever being ugly then yes you are correct. what do you think guys? this one or the dolphins?"
me: eye twitching. "guys don't you want this kind of plain one with the geometric shapes on it?"
husband:"...because personally i like the dolphins but the tree frog? priceless!"
i hang my head in defeat. they decided on the red eye tree frog. my own picture coming soon
as my husband likes to re-tell the story, he likes to add that i had a tantrum and was going to make them take the one i wanted. i fail to remember a tantrum, i do in fact know that every time i pass the red eyed tree frogs i shake my head in disgust and chuckle when no one is around. my husband on the other hand gets a huge grin on his face. i can't decide if its just because he knows how much it makes my eye twitch or if it's because when it comes to things like shower curtains he just lets the 6 year old in him take control. either way i'm going to find a way to get him back.
so there's a master bathroom, a guest bathroom (aka katie's bathroom) laundry room bathroom (the half bathroom) and the basement bathroom (aka oh my gosh my three boys are sharing a bathroom and sharing the responsibility on cleaning it too. gross.) so we went last weekend to get some more supplies for the extra bathrooms. on the list shower rods and curtains. i had in my mind what i wanted for the bathrooms. white for the guest bathroom and a "man-ly" slash still boyish slash kind of plain but maybe with some geometric shapes on the fabric in a blue shade for the downstairs boy's bathroom.
things didn't go as i planned because well...hmmm let me just set the scene:
katie and i had just gotten done picking up some organizing containers for the kitchen drawers (i know i was as excited then as you are reading about it now) we rounded the corner and came upon the boys in the bathroom aisle. we reached them and asked how it was going.
husband: "oh fine. they can't decide on what shower curtain they want. "
me: "oh? well how about this one?" (holding up something i had in mind for their bathroom)
husband: GASP!
the kids and i all looking at the shower curtain i had picked out slowly turn back to my husband to see what made my husband gasp.
husband: " ISN'T IT SOOO COOL?!!!"
we all move towards him and the kids get there before i can. at this point all four male people in our family are gasping and isn't it so cool-ing as well.
i finally clear the way and gasp.
me: "no, uh uh. that's just plain ugly. we're not going to get that."
husband: "if you mean by totally being awesome and the coolest thing ever being ugly then yes you are correct. what do you think guys? this one or the dolphins?"
me: eye twitching. "guys don't you want this kind of plain one with the geometric shapes on it?"
husband:"...because personally i like the dolphins but the tree frog? priceless!"
i hang my head in defeat. they decided on the red eye tree frog. my own picture coming soon
as my husband likes to re-tell the story, he likes to add that i had a tantrum and was going to make them take the one i wanted. i fail to remember a tantrum, i do in fact know that every time i pass the red eyed tree frogs i shake my head in disgust and chuckle when no one is around. my husband on the other hand gets a huge grin on his face. i can't decide if its just because he knows how much it makes my eye twitch or if it's because when it comes to things like shower curtains he just lets the 6 year old in him take control. either way i'm going to find a way to get him back.

picture of the blasted shower curtain most likely to have an accident in the near future involving a sharp object.
ps: i'm still working on instructions for the quilt and yes the skirt so hold tight. don't know when but soon.
we'll talk soon.
Oh man...that is pretty bad. It says it is unavailable right now though so maybe you got one of the last ones:). Too funny! Thanks for sharing and for the laugh!
Oh my! That shower curtain is ghastly!
Oh I feel your pain! You need VETO power!
Gotta disagree with ya'll here - I think it is utterly awesome for the boys ! Life is too short and it made them happy - good enough for me
LOL because I finally caved and bought the Star Wars bedding set from PBkids. Honestly, once I got it in my son's room, I knew it suited him perfectly!
God lord that's ugly. Sorry you got over ruled!
uggg :-( I would have cried... that is awful!!!! I wouldn't have minded something more "fun" but that is just retina burning...
Oh man, that really does top the ugly shower curtain options. I'd go for something icky and flowery that my gramma would like long before I'd opt for that. Eek!
That is hysterical, but I can not imagine looking at it every day. Maybe some sort of "accident" will require a new curtain. Would they believe you tripped with scissors in your hand and the curtain accidently got hacked up?
I love it!!! It is perfect for the manly bathroom admist all the other gross stuff they will have in there. (I raised four sons so I can testify to your woes).
Oh, my. That is horrible and hilarious all at the same time. I can tell you this is something I would give into also. They are only little once, I keep telling myself.
thanks for the reminder to go shopping by myself. ;)
you're a good mom/wife.
I would be glad it is not in MY bathroom, accept defeat and when you get mad at your husband make him shower in the boys bathroom.
Don't hate me - but, come on! It's a perfect shower curtain for 3 boys! And really, who, besides others boys, will be using their bathroom anyways?
those plastic-y shower curtains are gross no matter what design is on them. yuck.
It says "delightful for the whole family" so just suck it up. *L*
But I can see why the boys like it. And they'll like it even better when it gets mold on it. *smirk*
Someday you'll lern to seen them to the "TV section" while you do all the house shopping. If they don't have a say things are soo much happier!!
Frogs! I admit that would probably find it's way into our house if I didn't have a strict rule allowing only fabric shower curtains. : )
And at least they're happy. I think those grins would be worth it alone. Plus I'm sure you'll get a lot of use out of the incident with hubby...
ugh, lol!
Maybe you can put a fabric one over the frog one so the boys can still see their frogs when they are in the shower but no one else will.
In all honesty, this sounds EXACTLY like something my husband would do!!
Urp! I think I threw up a little bit in my mouth! Only boys! Thank goodness you finally had Katie!! Otherwise, your whole house might be decorated in red-eyed tree frogs! Hang in there V! Jenn
Well, it is in the basement... and thye do have to clean it.... or is it being so gastly the reason they get to clean? Potential ammunition for when they don't clean :)
ha ha that is funny... I think there might be a freak accident involving scissors that might result in a new shower curtain! lol
I think that it is cute for a boys bathroom. For a girls "No". If I were a boy I wouldn't want to look a geometric shapes either. The frogs would have been my pick too!!
Oh, I so can't wait to see how you get even!! lol Thanks for sharing :)
Maybe that bright green will hide (or at least distract from) the dirt lurking in the bathroom after the boys "clean" it.
...maybe some redecorating of the master bedroom is in order? Something extra satin sheets? Several more throw pillows? What will make the man regret his hand in helping select that shower curtain?
Some day I'll tell you about the time one of my children talked me into buying a monkey themed shower curtain - but not just the curtain- the rug/trash can/soap dispenser/ AND toothbrush holder - now all coordinating like some jungle-ish nightmare!
The worst part is we weren't even shopping for shower curtains...
You are a much nicer mom than I am......because there is no way that would be coming in my house! :)
But then again my hubs says I have control issues when it comes to things in the house {he wanted a light up dancing SINGING Christmas tree last year. Yea I think not.}
Too funny - I had something like that happen to me. My in-laws helped us move in to our last apartment and went out to Wal-mart to buy us some of the things we found we needed, including a shower curtain liner. I just wanted a clear or white one because I was planning on sewing a curtain, but they decided to get an ugly beach/palm tree print plastic one for us. They bought it so we couldn't object (we're still in the poor student phase of life) but I really wasn't that excited about it. So I sewed a nicer fabric curtain that we now have hanging, facing out, and the palm tree plastic on we turned around to face in and be our liner. It's kind of fun, you get to see it when you are in the shower, but no one else sees it. ;) Maybe you guys can work out a compromise like that?
Boys will be boys. Perhaps, with their lack of cleaning ability, it will mildew and die and early death! At least it looks like it was inexpensive?
I want that curtain! O wait, we don't have a shower that needs one (ours has a door). Darn. Will have to make do with tree frog tiles...
:) The boys are right on this one!
i'd go with black towels
john in nc
I'm not saying I'd want it hanging in my bathroom - but it is a fun shower curtain. It's their bathroom and they're going to be cleaning it so really you don't *need* to go in there. No way I'd want it in my bathroom though :)
That is seriously the most hideous curtain ever!! But it is so boy!
I didn't read the other posts because there's too many and my son's asking why his movie isn't on yet =) but MAKE IT THE SHOWER LINER! And pick out something you like: win:win. Then kick the hubby under the table for his help in the purchase. =)
LOL! I hope you win the next battle, and it's way better than this one was. :)
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