cookies i made last week sometime...i'll share the recipe soon i have a secret ingredient that makes these babies something to talk about... yes it's been a while. hi there! i apologize for my lack of being here. i mentioned a few posts back that i would be going to girls camp. yup that was last week...four days...30girls ages of 12 to 18...up in the mountains at almost 10,000 ft...i came home exhausted...then i got home and hugged the kids and husband and went on a 6 and half mile gorgeous hike with the fam...half of it being walked in water (and with a 30 lb kid on my shoulders, she was not a huge fan of the running water) with waterfalls. nope no pictures...because i was too scared of taking the camera on a water hike...but i think next time (yes, there will most def be a next time) i'll take the camera in the car and then come back to the last part of the hike and take a picture of the last waterfall. seriously nature can just be so gorgeous...which has sparked a quilt idea in my head. i can't wait to start it.
yesterday my mom got here. yay! she's been here colombian-izing our home with smells of pan de vonos, and frijoles. sooo yummy...and the kids are having a blast with her. we're still going to the pool every day that is remotely sunny (it's been gorgeous here!), and that's keeping my house nice and clean. i think this is the goal for the summer. swimming for hours equals tired kids and a clean house. i totally win all around on that one.
which leads me to next happenings. oh we go...are you ready for some more been there done that...unfortunate events from my series?
get this=
my computer crashed. oh yes it did. on sunday to which i just thought "of course"...i mean i've been in a weird "i've pissed off someone who gives me bad luck vs good of course this would happen RIGHT NOW." okay so computer off to the computer doctor most likely i'll need a new one. it's been a while so i guess it's about time. i swear i don't want to keep this "unfortunate events" thing going...but COME ON. enough already...i don't need any more bad luck. okay? okay.
that said. i'm off today to yes, go swimming...maybe sew a little, and enjoy more colomibian cooking. i am hell bent on keeping my promise that this summer is all about my husband and kids and sprinkled with crafting here and there. i hope you hang in there with's to family, traditions, some creating and no more unfortunate luck.
we'll talk soon.