Wednesday, September 30, 2009
interview with luv in the mommy hood

it's your birthday

i can't believe how fast the time has gone.
but sure enough i look at you and there you are.
growing up so dang fast.

*you like to sing
*you love anything "sen-sen" (princesses)
*you love the color pink

*you get super excited when you see baby dolls or anything that has to do with taking care of babies.
*you love to push your brother's buttons
*you love bike rides on mom's new bike.

*you love to work hard with dad and the boys.
*you love, love, love, your dog (so much that you are now going to pre-school so the poor thing can get a little bit of a break from your "love")
*you are still super attached to your green "bink" (blankie)
we love you and are so happy to have you as part of our crazy family.
Monday, September 28, 2009
blame it on the salsa sewing

"we have a LOT!" i mentioned they better share their wealth.
then i was on the phone with another friend another day and i asked her "what's the plan for the day?" she answered "I'M MAKING SALSA!"
that's when i got a little mad at myself for not planting salsa making ingredients. i guess there's always next year.
as i walked past my super unorganized fabric shelf (on the list to be organized...sometime this week
and hence my own homemade tomato was born.
and then....
i saw my oranges....
well what do you know? tomatoes made a little bigger look really cute as pumpkins.
talk about a slippery slope of events.
yes, before you ask. tutorial in the works, so you all can make your own home made garden fresh harvest.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
thank you

thank you all for the recipe's i know i said i wasn't blogging till monday but i had to say "thanks"

and WOW, i was featured on the fabulous TCB. i love her because i never have time to go looking for creative blogs and when i get a little bit of time to check stuff out i go to her blog to see what's been going on in the blog world. TOTALLY honored that i am now part of her list.
so thank you kim!
okay now i'm really not going to post any more till monday i promise.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
um? what the...!!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
starting something new
seriously, thank you.
i want to start something new here at V and Co. and highlight your finished products using my tutorials (my ones here or on the moda bakeshop or bought at my etsy shop!)
picture from ressica jachel using dress from a skirt tutorial
so many have sent me links, personal emails, and have uploaded to my flicker group of things you've made using my tutorials. picture by mollyculley using the fabric bracelet tutorial
and i wish i had thought of this before, and made a folder in my email for "pictures and links of products using my tutorials"picture by micheleknutson using the rag rug tutorial
but alas i did not. and my email inbox is one big huge nasty monster that i try to avoid mainly because it causes me hives with how messy and unorganized it is.
oh don't get me wrong, i've tried...I'VE TRIED to organize it, but you all keep sending me nice little notes (which i love) and wonderful suggestions (which i love) and questions, questions, questions, (which i love, and sometimes can't get to in a nice and timely fashion) and in that mess there are links to and pictures of other lovelies you guys have sent me.

picture by ressica jachel using fabric strawberries tutorial
if i could just figure out how to make more time in the day i could make that email inbox a little less un-organized and i could find all your lovely links and pictures.
picture by cfhouge using bandanna skirt and the perfect flower add on tutorials
so with all that in mind. if in the past you have sent me a link or an email with a picture of your finished product using my tutorial, would you:
A) please consider putting it in my flicker group
B) consider sending me another link and picture to your finished product?
i promise to take better care of it this time around.
here's to showing off your stuff using my stuff...or something like that.
ps: thank you for the wonderful etsy success yesterday! can't wait to see your pictures, links, and emails with those patterns in the near future as well!
Monday, September 21, 2009
go check it out

Thursday, September 17, 2009
we have a winner

thank you all for playing.
Monday, September 14, 2009
sponsored giveaway: the quilt shoppe
This giveaway has now been closed!

Friday, September 11, 2009
my new ride

but until that snow hits or it gets too cold, middle of nowhere townsfolk look out for the gal singing to her ishuffle pretending like the beach was right around the corner!
today is 9/11 don't forget

Thursday, September 10, 2009
new baby quilt for a friend

she is beautiful.
my friend loves vintage things.
so last week i made her baby this quilt.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
this is a story...

Friday, September 4, 2009
best second hand find (in my eyes)

when i got there. i instantly spotted this little wood hutch.
i think i pooped my pants when i saw it.
not really, but i was that excited.
we brought it home after i paid the $25 that they asked for it.
i immediately started to
play with re-arrange her kitchen and set it up. i then made this cute little banner with the vintage sheets i have in my collection. this is how i made it.
all i need now is cute pink glass knobs and i think i'll be in heaven.
i'm trying to update my shop sometime next week. i'll let you know when. expect kits for these mini-banners and some new down loadable patterns!
have a great labor day weekend!!!
see you next week!
ps i just uploaded some great green fat quarter bundles, or some fabric perfect for fall and some more here and here
yes i have a problem i have too much fabric for my own good
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
tutorial: dress made from a skirt

and now you have a perfectly cute dress for your little one!
comments closed